Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Florida chief justice: Foreclosures must be open

Trying to figure out what is going on here.
In his letter, Florida Press Association attorney Sam Morley outlined several instances reported since August. Among them:
  • A court observer in Hillsborough County called to ask about the rules governing attendance at foreclosure proceedings, and was told they were not open to the public.
  • A defendant representing herself in a foreclosure proceeding in Duval County was told by a member of court security that she could not attend foreclosure proceedings because only attorneys could attend.
  • A court observer in Orange County was told that foreclosure hearings were held in private chambers and not open to the public.
  • An attorney in Jacksonville was “castigated” for bringing a reporter from Rolling Stone into a foreclosure proceeding.
In his letter, Canady told the state’s chief judges to communicate with their clerks and bailiffs to ensure visitors and callers are provided with correct information about attendance at foreclosure and other proceedings.
 PS I don't understand using tax money to keep people in their houses.

Read it all

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